UX Portfolio

UX Portfolio

UX Design

KPN EEN Keuzetool/shop concept

For KPN EEN I created a concept for users to create their own combination of telecom products based on their needs. The idea is that by asking some simple questions we create a combination of products for them customized and fit for their company. This tool does not only work as a advice tool/guide but also works as an online shop where users can immediatly place this order online (with the option to edit the products). It is also possible for users to ask for help by live chatting or calling an advisor. The advisor can then help them online through this tool.


Powerfit website

I designed and created the website for Powerfit. They offer a range of (digital) products for gyms and fitness studio’s. I made sure that the use of style and color would fit their business.



Software/App UX design

KPN EEN Zakelijk shop

Software/App UX design

Hospicture app

For a new app idea which contains choosing your restaurant based on pictures of dishes and menu’s I designed the app and website. You can download Hospicture in the Appstore and Playstore

Software/App UX design

Rabobank Insurances

For Rabobank I created a concept for an insurances page for business owners. When logged in the Rabobank app there is an overview of all the insurances the user owns. Also there will be an option to get advice on what kind of insurances the user should have depending on the type of business he owns.

Digital/print design

Martin de Vos transport

For the transport company owned by Martin de Vos I created the logo, calling card and invoice template.

Software/App UX design

KPN Upsell in MijnKPN app

In the KPN MijnKPN Zakelijk app I designed the process to add new products to your current internet and mobile subscriptions. In the MijnKPN app you can easily add and remove products and extra’s to your current subscription.

Software/App UX design

Shapeview trainer app

For shapeview I designed the trainer app. It is a trainer app for gyms, fitness studios and for users to train at home. In the app you are able to create specific training schedules and programmes for your clients. 


Angels beauty and skincare